Thank you for supporting Silas!

Masterpiece Alliance (MA) is a faith-based 501c3 non-profit located in the Roanoke Valley focused on building community for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, ensuring no one has to live life feeling isolated in the margins of society. MA has created a vibrant and inclusive community, and over the past year I have become a part it. In fact, it has become one of my main places of belonging.

Now, I am happy to announce I have been hired by MA as a Ministry Staff Associate. God has opened an amazing door, and I am inviting you to become a part of this journey with me!

In my position I will be a missionary to adults with disabilities. I will build meaningful relationships with our MA friends so they will know they belong to a community. I will help plan and organize weekly large group events for our friends and lead small group Bible Studies. Most importantly, I will have the privilege of sharing the good news that regardless of our abilities, we are ALL God’s masterpieces and created by Him for a purpose! Isn’t this wonderful?!

Before I begin this exciting work, I need to raise up a team of partners who will faithfully give every month to support my work with Masterpiece Alliance. Perhaps you could give $100 a month, $200 a month or some other amount. Would you join with me by pledging monthly financial support?

Not only is your support tax deductible, it is essential. With people like you coming alongside me, lives will be changed. More friends with disabilities will be drawn out of isolation and into meaningful community, and more of God’s Masterpieces will build relationships with their Creator!

I would be thrilled to have you as a partner in ministry. If you would like to join my team by making a monthly pledge, please see the donation instructions on this site. You can also reach out to me using the contact information above. I would love to sit down with you personally to share my story.

Thank you in advance. God is doing amazing things through the MA community. What a privilege to join in His work!

How to contact Silas:


Phone: (215) 460-0212

Donation Instructions:

Use the form below to set up your one-time or recurring tax-deductible donations using your credit card or checking account, or you can mail checks to:

Masterpiece Alliance, PO Box 2924, Salem, VA 24153

If you’re Interested in making a donation of stock, please click here to download instructions for doing so.